The valuation of various property types and their applicable real property interests (fee simple, leasehold, leased fee, etc.) is the primary focus of appraisal assignments performed by CoVal Partners. It involves defining the real property interests to be appraised, collection and verification of market data, analysis of the highest and best use of the property, and the market valuation of the property by implementing the most applicable appraisal methods. CoVal Partners also provides valuation studies that involve the estimation of investment value for various interests, based on client specific data and investor criteria. CoVal Partners conducts consulting assignments covering all commercial property types. The importance of providing competent, unbiased, professional guidance on diversified problems in real estate is emphasized as a method of reducing the risks associated with the real estate field. We offer services such as highest and best use analysis, marketability studies, rent negotiation and consulting, subdivision analysis, office/retail analysis, project planning studies, and various market and feasibility analysis. CoVal Partners offers services for real estate matters involving arbitrations (rent renegotiations, tenant space lease renegotiations, etc.). We offer estate planning tax support for accounting firms and litigation support services to attorneys. It is our goal to provide not only offensive, but defensive strategies, in a fair and unbiased manner, in order to expose the strengths and weaknesses of a particular case. An appraisal review serves the purpose of analyzing the content and conclusions of an appraisal report, as well as USPAP compliance. It is the reviewer’s responsibility to assess the relevancy, adequacy, and analysis of the market data used; to form an opinion of the appropriateness and logical consistency of the appraisal methods and techniques applied; to comment on the overall presentation of the report, and its general conformance with accepted appraisal practice.Office
Special Use
Appraisal Reports
Real Estate Consulting
Estate Planning, Litigation Support, and Expert Witness Services
Appraisal Review Services